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尺寸:2″–24″ 压力:150#–1500#

Product Material:Carbon&Lowalloy steel/STL/Nickel bare alloy


Top entry ball valve gives the advantage of in-line repair or replacement of valve internal components without removing the valve from the pipeline. This is why this valve is frequently used on high pressure pipeline, especially with heavy oils, where relatively frequent cleaning is needed, thus minimizing the disassembly and re-assembly of valves with a remarkable cost saving. More, it minimize the leakage path and eliminate any potential contacts between threads and wetted parts.



广泛应用于油气管道, 采油, 精制, 石化, 化学的, 化学纤维, 冶金, 电, 核电, food and paper making equipment. 夹套球阀在线拆卸方便快捷. 当阀门在管道中出现故障需要修理时, 不需要从管线上拆下阀门, 只需拉下法兰螺栓和螺母, 阀盖和阀杆组件一起从阀体上拆下, 然后拆下球座组件. 在线维修球座. 这种维修节省了时间,将生产损失降低到最低点.

