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A28H type are used for the equipment and pipeline of the air,Nz H2 mixed gas vapour etc. medium what the working temperature are less than 200℃ . A28Y-P/10Re type are used for the equipment and pipeline of the quality with corrode medium what the working temperature are less than 200℃.Take for extra pressure protection devices.



  1. 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型.
  2. 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型 10 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型, 带杠杆安全阀的弹簧加载低升程型.
  3. The reasonable design of disc holder with the adjusting ring so that safety valves can be turned on quickly in the respect of adjust and obtain a perfect blow down difference.
  4. 阀板支架设计合理,带有调节环,使安全阀在调节方面可以快速打开,获得完美的排污差.
  5. 阀板支架设计合理,带有调节环,使安全阀在调节方面可以快速打开,获得完美的排污差, and have tightly function for erosive and poison materials in order to prevent medium from eroding inner parts of valves and polluting environment.
  6. 阀板支架设计合理,带有调节环,使安全阀在调节方面可以快速打开,获得完美的排污差 24 阀板支架设计合理,带有调节环,使安全阀在调节方面可以快速打开,获得完美的排污差.
  7. 座椅和车身部件均经过抗压测试,确保工作安全可靠.

