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The application is purely for isolation of compressed air at 90 psi. The working temperatures are between 70 和 90 F. The reason for the ceramic ball is that the same pipe transports a stream of carbon at 160 lbs/minute. When the pipe is transporting carbon, the pressure will never exceed 90 psi, but will more than likely be around 30 psi. The line is isolated when the system is not in use for maintenance purposes. Therefore the valve will be actuated manually and will only be closed on maintenance turns. It will be normally open when the pipe is transporting carbon.

FUVALVE supplied more than 20pcs of DN50 half-lined 陶瓷球阀 to a well known steel mill in the USA,our products are excellent and success to solve the problem of abrasion to instead of the brand KITZ and TOYO valves.


在许多腐蚀性或/和研磨性应用中, 使用衬有PTFE或PFA的球阀以及金属阀座球阀, 但限于材料, 这些带有PTFE或PFA衬里的球阀和金属座阀由于严重的磨损和腐蚀而不能长期使用. 在大多数腐蚀性和磨蚀性应用中,陶瓷球阀比软阀座和金属阀座球阀具有出色的性能和更长的使用寿命。. 下面列出了一些典型的应用 (但不限于这些应用) FUVALVE陶瓷球阀在世界各地得到广泛使用: 硅粉,氧化铝粉,干煤粉,石灰石浆液,石膏泥浆,石膏,粉煤灰,矿砂,煤粉注射,冶金粉尘,火电厂烟气脱硫,石油固体催化剂,硫酸悬浮TiO2,氨水粉,盐酸,液氯,散装物料.
